8th Grade Senior Spirit Week

 2ND – 6TH DECEMBER, 2019

  1. MONDAY – WackyTacky Day (Students create weird costumes/outfits)
  2. TUESDAY – Random Acts of Kindness Day(Students will wear any plain T-shirt of their choice with a white name tag that they make and stick/pin to their clothes.  At lunch, they will write post-its and place it on a board about random acts of kindness they experienced throughout the day)
  3. WEDNESDAY – Twin Day (Dress in matching outfits with another student/teacher)
  4. THURSDAY –  Guardians of the Planet Day/ Green Day (create and outfit that has a message about how you can help to conserve the health of and stop the damage to our environment)
  5. FRIDAY – Ugly Sweater Day (Adorn or embellish a sweater so that it goes from cute to hideous in a fun way!)

** Students not participating in Spirit Week are expected to wear their regular school uniform