Philippa Schuyler Middle School for the Gifted and Talented

School Leadership Team Meeting Minutes for October 29, 2020



  1. Welcome and review Zoom meeting protocols
  2. Introductions
  3. Review, revise and ratify By-laws
  4. Set Team Calendar for the year
  5. Presentation of CEP Goals
  6. Review of CEP Timeline and next steps for CEP development
  7. Asynchronous Monday Proposal Presentation
  8. Q & A from guests–time permitting
  9. Adjournment

Meeting Minutes

Start Time (4:00PM)

In Attendance

Joyce Baldino
Oni Hutchinson
Jeanette Wigdorsky
Deborah Slaughter
Lisette Vergara
Jason Adoniz
Shawana Singletary
Alyssa Illery
Connie Morales
Maria Gomez
Simone Gibson
Esther Colon
Adelaida Martinez
Winifred Guillaume
Yesica Zito-Yailin Mantiel (Spanish Language Translation)
Jazzy Rivera PTA President


Team Reviewed Zoom Protocols
Team Members did introductions


Ms. Wigdorsky read the By-Laws and the team reviewed and ratified by-laws.

No Revisions to Article I

Article II (A Chat Manager was added to the zoom protocol)

Ms. Vergara is elected as Chairperson and Mr. Adoniz is elected as meeting recorder. Ms. Gibson was elected as the Chat Manager.

To be noted that a notice will be given 10 days prior to the SLT meeting itself. (Added to Section 2)

SLT outlook email to be shared on the school website so parents can receive notice of a meeting that they would like to attend.

No Revisions to Article III

No Revisions to Article IV

No Revisions to Article V

No Revisions to Article VI

No Revisions to Article VII

No Revisions to Article VII

Members discuss the 4-6PM schedule mentioned in Article III. We have a quorum from parents in SLT.

{Thursday November 12, Proposal for next meeting by Ms. J Wigdorsky}


Proposal Dates for SLT meeting for the rest of the school year

December 10, 2020
January 14, 2021
February 11, 2021
March 18, 2021
April 22, 2021
May 20, 2021
June 17, 2021


Comprehensive Education Plan Goals for SY 20-21

Draft Goals for creating the CEP were submitted July 23rd as an extension due to the pandemic.

Goal 1 – NYC School Survey (Teacher Influence) 10% increase

Goal 2 – Attendance (Chronic Absenteeism Decrease by 5%) {Student’s whose attendance fall below 90%} [All/SWD/ELL]

Goal 3 – NYS Math {June 2021 – 10% increase of all students from level 3 to level 4}
{June 2021 – 10% decrease of SWD achieving level 1}
{June 2021 – 10% decrease of ELL achieving level 1}

Targeted enrichment available after December will be offered regardless if state exams and regents exams are in place.

Goal 4 – NYS ELA {June 2021 – 10% increase of all students from level 3 to level 4}
{June 2021 – 10% decrease in amount of SWD achieving level 1}
{June 2021 – 10% decrease in amount of ELL achieving level 1}


Goal 5 – TBA Quality IEP

Subcommittee (Meet and develop action plans)

Goal 1 {Morales, Vergara, Baldino, Wigdorsky}
Goal 2 {Wigdorsky, Singletary}
Goal 3 {Illery, Adoniz, Hutchinson}
Goal 4 {Slaughter, Vergara, James}
Goal 5 {Julian St-Louis, }


Asynchronous Monday’s Proposal Plan (Will continue at the NOvember 12 meeting

Ms. Joyce Baldino reads the proposal put forth by teachers

We would like to offer the students an opportunity to use some of their class time to complete assignments, catch up on group work, work on projects, inquire with teachers and study with the help of their teacher in each period by eliminating the live instruction on Mondays, only, in both the remote and in-person modalities.

All in-person students would continue to come to school.

They will be taught by their scheduled in-person teacher.

In-person teachers would not provide in-person live instruction on asynchronous Mondays.

Those teachers will provide support with work assigned in Google Classroom, provide one-on one feedback to struggling students while following social distancing guidelines, provide additional assignments to reinforce previously taught skills, one on one support for students at-risk, in need or who desire teacher support, students could use the time to complete group work through Google classroom, students could also work with peers in class, using social distancing protocols to complete group work.

Remote teachers would also be providing the same support remotely.

Teachers and students would maintain their current programs.



1. It allows teachers to target at-risk students who otherwise might fall through the cracks.

2. Gives students time to catch up on missing and incomplete assignments.

3. Allows teachers to provide extra help for struggling students through one on one support.

4. Provides additional time for students to complete group work.

5. Allows for personalized attention from their teacher with regards to their assignments.


Adjournment at 6:02PM