May Updates & Reminders

Schuyler Families,

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well and that you had an enjoyable weekend. It is hard to believe the school year is winding down and that we are in the final two months of this unprecedented school year. We encourage our students to finish Schuyler Strong! Please see the following important updates and Reminders below:

NX Grades:

Students have opportunity to complete specific assignments or tasks to update the NX grades from Marking Period 1 and 2 to a numeric grade. Please reach out to your child’s teacher via Pupil Path to find out more information. Please note that 8th grade students who have the final grade of NX for a core course: ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies will be mandated for the Summer School program.

Reminders for In Person Students:

Schuyler is a uniform school. Please ensure your student is wearing their Schuyler uniform daily unless you receive notification about a Dress Down Day. Reminder that our Schuyler Uniform is white collared shirt, navy blue dress pants or navy blue sweatpants if students have Physical Education or Dance. Students may ONLY wear the Schuyler sweatshirt. We are in the process of ordering Schuyler sweatshirts and will notify you when they are available for purchase. If a student does not have a Schuyler Sweatshirt, they may wear a navy-blue sweater or navy-blue blazer. Students are not permitted to wear ripped jeans, leggings, or shorts.

Cell phones:

Students are not permitted to use cell phones while in the school building. Students should bring their laptop or ipad to school daily. Please remind your child to charge their device overnight! If you need to contact your child during the school day, please call the school Main Office at 718-574-0390. Thank you for your cooperation.

CEC Elections:

This year, more than one million parents are eligible to vote, and we are encouraging parents to vote through their online NYCSA account in the comfort of their own homes. This week and next will be about “Getting Out the Vote.” DOE has mailed flyers to families, and advertised across the City – from buses to radio shows, news media, and more. Next week, we will be robocalling families with a message from the Chancellor reminding everyone to vote. Voting begins this Saturday, May 1st and continues until Tuesday, May 11th.

How can you support?

·Ensure parent coordinators are ready to support parents with NYCSA and voting

·Please use your district’s twitter, Facebook, website, and more to remind parents to vote

·Share voting information and resources with your families:

oVideo Guide to Voting in the 2021 CCECElections (All 9 languages on Parent University)

oVideo Guide on How to Sign-up For A NYCSA Account

oVoting FAQs

oSee Who’s Running

oHear Directly From the Candidates

While we expect most families to cast their online votes at home, we will be hosting in-person voting sites across the City. In-person voting sites will be open during the hours of 4pm – 7pm, on weekdays from Monday, May 3rd to Tuesday, May 11th.


·Progress High School, Grand Street Campus (14K474), 850 Grand

·Boys and Girls High School (16K455), 1700 Fulton Street

·James Madison High School (22K425), 3787 Bedford Ave

Thank you for your ongoing partnership. Take good care and “To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required”

Principal Jeanette (Smith) Wigdorsky